Parent company Eurostep Group AB trades in Sweden, Finland, UK, France and Germany with the group head office based in Bromma, Sweden. Eurostep bases its state-of-the-art software Share-A-space and services on information standards such as STEP (ISO10303 including PLCS, AP233). Eurostep is globally an acknowledged leader in standards development and had the roles of Project Management and Technical Lead during the development of the standards ISO 10303-239/PLCS (Product Life Cycle Support). The PLCS standard is an integrated information model including unique links between information relevant to each stage in a product’s life cycle and enables unique traceability and feedback loop capabilities.
Role in the project
Eurostep is leading the Collaborative Software Platform work package and will provide support to the industrial pilots during the industrial pilot evaluation. Eurostep’s involvement will interface with other work packages in order to collect relevant software requirements. Eurostep will contribute to the exploitation plan of the project, in particular the standardisations effort.